“The abuse of children is wrong anywhere and anytime: this point is not negotiable.”
The Claretian Missionaries (Claretians) of the U.S.A.-Canada Province and its employees are committed to the personal care of all individuals, especially the young and those adults who are incapable of looking after his or her own rights and interests.
If you believe that you, or someone you know, has been abused by a Claretian, or an employee of the Claretians, you are urged to contact the appropriate local law enforcement or child-protection agency where the incident took place. If the suspected abuser is a Claretian and you need to report historical abuse of a minor, please contact the Province’s Survivor Assistance Coordinator, Dr. Michael J. Bland, Psy.D., D. Min. at 773-404-8161 or Michael@BlandTherapy.com.

Since 2008, the Claretians of this province have been fully accredited by Praesidium, Inc., which serves as the accrediting body for Catholic Men’s Religious Orders and Congregations in the United States. More than 130 Institutes, representing 90 percent of Religious Priests and Brothers in the United States, have attained Praesidium Accreditation®. Praesidium provides consultation, risk management assessment, policy development, and training materials for use in preventing sexual misconduct and responding to allegations of sexual misconduct. The province maintains its accreditation through periodic audits by Praesidium’s independent auditors and a complete review of Province policies and procedures every five (5) years.
The Claretians of the U.S.A.-Canada Province recognize that sexual abuse by a member of a religious community constitutes a profound violation of trust in human relationships and can cause devastating pain and damage for the abused and their families, the local communities involved, and the Church at large. We will strive to accompany with compassion those who have been hurt by sexual abuse.
When an allegation is made against a Claretian, the Province will seek to address promptly and pastorally the person bringing the allegation and a Province Review Board will respond to the allegation.
In all circumstances we will strive toward protection, healing, and reconciliation.
Our policies are consistent and compliant with:
- Accreditation Standards for Catholic Men’s Religious Institutes https://www.cmsm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020-Standards-for-Accreditation-final.pdf
- Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- The Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests or Deacons https://www.usccb.org/test/upload/Charter-for-the-Protection-of-Children-and-Young-People-2018-final(1).pdf
- Church Law and the regulations of the Claretian Missionaries
To this end, we commit ourselves to:
- Protect children and other vulnerable persons (i.e. those incapable of looking after their own rights and interests) who are at risk of abuse.
- Respond promptly to anyone bringing an allegation of sexual abuse.
- Report allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate civil authorities as required by civil law.
- Investigate allegations of abuse in cooperation with civil law, in accord with Church and our own law, and with respect and consideration for the rights of all persons involved.
- Reach out with pastoral care, concern, and honesty to the alleged victims and their families.
- Consult a Review Board made up of mental health and law enforcement professionals for recommendations regarding the disposition of allegations.
- Remove from public ministry assignments those who have been credibly accused of abuse against a minor or vulnerable person.
- Cooperate with local Bishops and diocesan policies.
- Assure that the Provincial Superior and community Local Superior of a credibly accused Claretian have received appropriate confidential information.
- Provide all our members with the necessary information and training to ensure adherence to this policy.
In accord with the documents listed above, it is the policy of the province that when even a single act of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult is established by an appropriate process in accord with canon law and the regulations of the Claretian Missionaries, the offending Claretian will not serve in active ministry or hold a position working in proximity to minors or vulnerable adults.