
The Claretian Missionaries are dedicated to seeing the world primarily through the eyes of the poor and to making the world a better place to live. Our primary ministries in the U.S. and Canada are:

  • Preaching God’s Word, especially through parish and Campus Ministry;
  • Community development programs within high-poverty, urban communities;
  • Publishing bilingual periodicals and materials to support Hispanic ministry and leadership development in the Catholic Church;
  • Publishing magazines and materials to help Catholics live their faith in the U.S. today;  
  • Fostering and maintaining a devotion to St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Hope.

For us, each parish is a vital font of sacramental life and the heart of where the community gathers to live and celebrate the Gospel. While focusing mainly on Hispanic communities, we are dedicated to living and working with all people in need. Our missionaries, currently work in seven U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. They address a variety of issues, including:  hunger, poverty, gang and domestic violence, housing, parenting, healthcare, and education – rough realities tackled with trust in the Lord and inspired by the power of God’s Word.

The following overview of our ministries in the U.S. and Canada is a general profile of the work to which we dedicate our lives. 

  • Parish ministry: Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey and Texas; Ontario and Quebec in Canada. 
  • Campus Ministry: California and Missouri
  • Publications and Social Media: Magazines, Newsletters, Podcasts, Internet Radio
  • Youth Programs: Music, Theater/Dance, Visual Arts, Sports, Leadership, Gang Intervention, After School Tutoring
  • Violence Prevention: After School Tutoring, Domestic Violence Programs, Gang Intervention, Job / Life Skills
  • Leadership Development: Young Adult Activities, summer Job Programs, Adult Leadership Formation, Parenting, Parish and Neighborhood Councils
  • Health: Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Spiritual Counseling, Senior Healthcare Education 
  • Housing: Affordable Housing with support programs for families, Senior Housing
  • Counseling: Violence, Youth, and Gang, Mentoring, Spiritual, Grief, Referrals (for Legal Aid, Substance Abuse and Immigration Aid)
  • Tutoring: K-12 After-School Programs, Computer Technology
  • Schools: Preschool, Elementary and High School
  • Scholarships: Pre-K thru 8th Grade Catholic Education, High School, College, Adult Education
  • Social Justice Ministry: United Nations, Local and International Levels